MTNA Leadership Summit 2022
Somehow, in my four or five terms as State President (two in Maine and at least two in Mass.,) I’ve missed out on the Leadership Summit held in Cincinnati - a very intense weekend of education on governance, policy and member benefits of MTNA. State Presidents, Division Directors, Division Directors-Elect, MTNA Staff and National Officers all gather to explore what we can do for our members. This year, the first live summit since pre-COVID, the sessions were jam-packed with information. Even after 45 years of MTNA membership, there was a lot for me to learn. Most notable is how much is offered to MMTA members through our national affiliation! A special highlight was a tour of the gleaming offices of MTNA.
Go to the link below to find and explore a wealth of resources; really, it’s an embarrassment of riches:
There you will find:
-Business Resources
-Legal Resources
-Studio Resources
-Insurance – Disability, Health, Instrument, Professional Liability
-American Music Teacher magazine
-Monthly E-Journal (archived!)
-Webinars (archived!)
-Member benefits Member Discounts – including Pharmacy and Office Depot:
MTNA sponsors our Composer Commissioning Program and supports the work of our state on so many levels. Becoming involved more fully in MTNA will enhance your knowledge and your professionalism. The small but brilliant MTNA Staff works tirelessly to improve its services.
Please, please remember to SIGN UP to attend MTNA National Conference in Reno, Nevada, on March 25-29, 2023. It will change your life!
Sign up for National Conference Here:
Alison S. Barr
Eastern Division Meeting
Christine Kissack (Maine MTA President)
William Chapman Nyaho, (MTNA’s DEI Director, Scott Donald (Texas MTA President-Elect)
Airport photo in Boston
Jonathan Roberts (MMTA President)