Local & National Programs

MTNA members are part of a powerful network of teaching professionals through their involvement in local associations activities.
Local Associations provide special educational programming, festivals and opportunities to meet new friends with common interests.
If you are interested in organizing an MTNA local association in your area, please download a Local Association Handbook.
Local associations in Massachusetts will be affiliated with MMTA and MTNA.
To learn more, visit: MTNA.org. or Contact the MMTA President.
MTNA Certification
Nilly Shilo, NCTM - Vice President, Certification
The Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) Professional Certification Program exists to improve the level of professionalism within the field of applied music teaching.
For the music teaching professional, certification provides prestige, recognition and the potential for student recruitment and increased earning power. The designation of Nationally Certified Teacher of Music (NCTM) is given to successful candidates who meet the professional competencies and standards required for MTNA certification.
All applied music teachers actively engaged in the profession are eligible for MTNA Professional Certification.
Learn more at: certification.mtna.org or contact the MMTA Vice President, Certification
DID YOU KNOW? The Piano Technicians Guild Foundation Scholarship in the amount of $1,000 is available to any piano teacher who has earned MTNA Professional Certification and uses a Registered Piano Technician (RPT).
FREE! MTNA Webinars provide an opportunity for continuing education on a range of topics, like diversity, technology, technique, cybersecurity, repertoire, and more.
MTNA Teacher Specialist Program
Upon completion of requirements, applicants are granted the designation of MTNA RMM (Recreational Music Making) Specialist or MTNA Group Teaching Specialist.
Meet colleagues through a variety of digital platforms for open discussion, to address initiatives, projects and services, with the best ideas recommended to the MTNA Board of Directors for their consideration.