Young Professionals

As if life isn’t challenging enough.
You are preparing for a successful career as a professional musician in an ever-evolving and competitive age of digital dependency and technological influence.
MTNA's Young Professionals programs serve as your connection to the larger established community of long-time music professionals—a community committed to and interested in inspiring and developing its future members and the music-teaching profession as a whole.
Yulia Zhuravleva, MMTA Vice President, Membership
Collegiate Membership is open to all higher education music students who are also members of an affiliated state association (and a collegiate chapter if available).
Collegiate members enjoy all benefits of Membership, but do not have the right to vote or hold office or enter students in MTNA Competitions.
The collegiate membership year runs from October 1 through September 30.
Collegiate membership dues are $19 (National) + $12 (State).
Establishing a collegiate chapter is the first step in connecting to MTNA.
Each chapter must have at least three student members, as well as a sponsor or advisor who is an active member of the state and national associations.
Students must be enrolled in a college or university to become a member of a collegiate chapter.
Each prospective collegiate chapter must submit an online Collegiate Chapter Application. Upon approval by the state association and national office, your collegiate chapter will receive notification and a certificate from MTNA.
DID YOU KNOW? Collegiate Chapter Enrichment Grants from MTNA are available for financial support to help you grow your chapter!
MMTA wants to form Collegiate Chapters in every university that has a music program, but we need MMTA members to be sponsors or advisors.
Learn more and get started!
Inquiries: contact MTNA at (888) 512-5278 or via email, or contact the MMTA Vice President, Membership.
MTNA Collegiate Chapters Symposium
The Symposium is the perfect place to connect with others who are beginning their music-teaching careers. Held each school year in a different location, collegiate members from across the country come together to present sessions, network and learn more about the profession.
MMTA Commissioned Composers Program
This program recognizes an outstanding professional composer with a commission award of $2,000 and a premiere performance at the biennial Quad State Conference. The winning composer of the Massachusetts Commissioned Composer Program will also be considered for the MTNA Distinguished Composer of the Year award.
MTNA Young Artist Performance Competition
The MTNA National Competitions are the most successful and prestigious student competitions in the country. The Young Artist (age 19-26) Performance Competitions begin with state competitions, and winners/representatives advance to a Division Competition, and finally a National Competition.
MTNA Chamber Music Performance Competition
Open to string and wind musicians between the ages of 18-29 as of January 1 of the current year. Ensembles must consist of at least three performers and have no more than six performers.
MTNA-Stecher and Horowitz Two Piano Competition
Open to pianists between the ages of 18–29 during the time of the competition.
Open to student composers at Elementary, Junior, Senior, and Young Artist levels. Beginning with State Competitions, winners/representatives advance to a Division Competition, and finally a National Competition.
The designation of Nationally Certified Teacher of Music (NCTM) is given to successful candidates who meet the professional competencies and standards required for MTNA certification. All applied music teachers actively engaged in the profession are eligible for MTNA Professional Certification.
MTNA Teacher Specialist Program
Upon completion of requirements, applicants are granted the designation of MTNA RMM (Recreational Music Making) Specialist or MTNA Group Teaching Specialist.
See also: Teachers > Local & National Programs
And: Teachers > Conventions

MMTA Collegiate Member Travel Grants
A grant for MMTA Collegiate Members to attend the MTNA National Conference.
Collegiate Chapter Enrichment Grants provide financial support of up to $750 to any collegiate chapter for the purpose of professional development, continuing education, or personal/community enrichment.
MTNA Collegiate Travel Grants provide travel stipends ($100) for collegiate students to attend MTNA events.
MarySue Harris Studio Teacher Fellowship
This $3,000 grant, funded by the MarySue Harris Endowment Fund, is presented annually to a recently graduated independent teacher who demonstrates commitment to the music teaching profession and outstanding studio development.
MTNA Community Engagement Grants provide financial support of up to $750 to any individual, affiliate, or collegiate chapter, and focus on projects that engage the community in making music, appreciating music, or attending live music events.
See also: Teachers > Grants & Funds