MMTA is connected to the larger community in a meaningful and essential way.
In serving our students and fellow teachers and musicians, we send out ripples of hope and inspiration to the much larger, global community.
To broaden these ripples into more measurable waves, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to one of our student scholarship programs.
We are truly connected through our love of music-making and in the joy we feel when we help a student put music in their heart forever!
You may direct your donation to one of the following funds:
The MMTA Music Connect Program (MCP) offers music lessons tuition-free to students who have a demonstrated financial need and will study with an MMTA member in good standing. Your contribution will help ensure that any student who has musical ability and interest in playing an instrument or singing is provided the opportunity to explore this talent.
Herbert H. Bowker Memorial Scholarship
Named in honor of MMTA’s founding President, this scholarship is awarded to a student attending a summer music camp.
Named in honor of Nancy Oliva, the MMTA President from 1977-1979. Each year, MMTA awards a small scholarship to a graduating Massachusetts high school senior who intends to continue music studies in college.
MMTA’s Student Grants are intended to aid worthy students in their pursuit of MMTA/MTNA contests and competitions, or other MMTA-sponsored events.

MMTA is a non-profit organization whose funds are used solely to further the art of music: to promote the growth and professional development of its members by providing programs that encourage and support teaching, performance, composition and research.