MTNA Resource List
MTNA has compiled a curated list of some of the best and most helpful resources to support your music teaching and your continuing education needs during this crisis.
The Francis Clark Center:
Teaching in the Time of COVID-19
Webinars, tips, articles, and resources
The Royal Conservatory of Music:
1. Teaching Music Online – Technology Guide
2. Teaching Music Online – Practical Guide
3. Teaching Music Online – Zoom
NAfME Covid-19 Resources
Resources for virtual instruction, professional development, webinars, articles, guidance, links, and more.
NAMM Covid-19 & Social Distancing Resources
For educators, musicians, parents & students; Some of the exciting free and low-cost options to continue making a musical world all around you.
The Sphinx Organization - Covid-19 Resources
Financial relief, online teaching & learning, community resources
Carnegie Hall: Music Educators Toolbox
Free resources, featuring grade-specific music education tools that address fundamentals of rhythm and meter, form and design, expressive qualities, pitch, and performing.
ScholarshipAuditions.com - Resource Library
Education and scholarship resources: Free online content that can help you empower your students by creating lessons and opportunities for them during these unprecedented times.
Legal FAQs for Reopening Music Studios
FAQs for Online Music Competitions and Recitals
Coping in the Time of COVID: Conversations Among Teachers
A FREE Webinar from MTNA and the National Piano Foundation
MTNA Webinars
Various teaching topics, including: “COVID-19: Oppression and Social Injustice as Heard in Music”
Lessons Learned from COVID-19 and Pizza Chains
By Jonathan Scofield from American Music Teacher, Aug/Sept issue