MTNA Leadership Summit 2023
You, the members of MTNA/MMTA, are entitled to feel distinctly proud of your national professional organization! It does not take for granted that its volunteer-leaders will just somehow “know” what to do, but it instead supports travel, hotel stay, and high-caliber training at the MTNA Leadership Summit. I just returned from Cincinnati, Ohio, where MTNA Headquarters is located.
We did all of the following:
Division Meetings
State-by-Size Meetings
Sate President’s Advisory Council
Association 101 – Leader Primer on how MTNA is Organized
Mindfulness Training with Leader Vanessa Cornett
Diversity/Equity/Inclusion/Belonging Training with Leader Ivy Banks
MTNA Financial Overview and Accounting Report
Roberts Rules and Meeting Management
TWO amazing Leadership Recitals
Banquet Extraordinaire
Questions and Answers with Executive Director Gary Ingle
And much more!!!!!
Even though I was stranded for an extra night due to weather delays, I didn’t despair because I got to have a relaxing totally enjoyable dinner with MTNA’s VP of DEI, William Chapman Nyaho!
New initiatives of which all members should be aware:
Virtual Local Associations being formed around the country
DEI Database:
New insurance coverages for liability, sexual abuse and general event coverage, soon to be announced here:
L to R: Donna Beech, Delaware State President; Christine Kissack, Maine State President; Alison Barr, Eastern Division Director-Elect; Jacqueline Herbein, Eastern Division Director
All the members of Summit at the Saturday banquet
Eastern Division Meeting - State Presidents, Director-Elect and Director
Special-order MTNA Oreos for all Eastern Division Presidents!
MTNA sponsors our Composer Commissioning Program and supports the work of our state on so many levels. Becoming involved more fully in MTNA will enhance your knowledge and your professionalism. The small but brilliant MTNA Staff works tirelessly to improve its services.
Please, please remember to SIGN UP to attend MTNA National Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, on March 16-20, 2024. It will change your life and it’s CLOSE and easy to get to.
MTNA/MMTA has so much to offer YOU!
Alison S. Barr, NCTM, MMTA’s Music Connect Program Chair, Eastern Division Director-Elect