Ellyses Kuan
It is that time of the year: recital season.
For the second year in a row, I decided to host our annual recital virtually. Some of our families are not yet fully vaccinated and they’re still concerned about the possibility of being exposed to the COVID-19. As the music director of a community music school, I would like to take the opportunity to share with the MMTA community. Since March 2020, we’ve all been in the same boat.
“UNMASKED!” is the theme of our annual recital.
Defined in the OED (Oxford English Dictionary), “unmasked” means “to show the true nature and character of an individual.” At this moment in time, I can’t find a better word to describe us, as teachers and musicians in our communities.
United - The connection between us, teachers, and students grew deeper and stronger during the pandemic;
Noble - We worked towards breaking boundaries while protecting ourselves and others;
Meaningful - Music continued to keep us emotionally fit and nurtured our souls;
Adaptive – We adjusted to the new normal quickly and offered many ways to allow students to continue their lessons remotely, safe in the comfort of their own homes;
Savvy - We all became smarter when it came to technology, interacting with enthusiasm and creating amazing virtual performances ;
Knowledgeable - Uncertainties did not hinder us. We continued to share our expertise, remained professional and fulfilled our responsibilities with the highest standards;
Excellent - Social distancing and health measures did not stop us from pursuing excellence;
Dynamic – We faced challenges and provided a stable learning platform, showing how vigorous and energetic we are as music teachers when facing unprecedented situations.
Despite all the changes and challenges, we have strived and survived. We have come so far. In my opinion, this calls for a celebration.
I can’t wait for the day when we don’t have to wear these masks. What will normal look like going forward? The other day, I asked members of my family what they thought “normal” was. My son said, “Normal, right now, is just another word for excellence.”
We’ve successfully worked together as an enlightened professional community. We’ve achieved that true sense of “normality, even through the toughest times.” What could be more excellent than that?
Submitted by Ellyses Kuan
email: ekuan@eksmusicschool.com